The Embroiderers’ Guild regularly commissions speakers and tutors to take part in our on-line events. We also offer on-line courses, and are currently working on the relaunch of our ‘Inspired to Create’ suite.

THREAD TALKS is a series of online lectures hosted by the Embroiderers’ Guild. Our speakers talk about inspirations, community projects and lots of other textile art related topics. They also discuss creativity, how to resolve blocks, and how they create their pieces.
Speakers in this series have included textile artists Richard Box, Nicky Barfoot, Angie Hughes, Ninya Mikhaila and Maria Wigley.
Thread Talks is an on-going series – watch our ‘Guild News‘ for announcements and dates of future talks.
Recordings of previous speakers are available
Talking Threads is a series of online events featuring two artists in discussion with ‘Stitchery Stories’ podcast host Susan Weeks.
Previous discussions have taken place between:
- Hannah Maughan and Karen Nicol
- Claire Wellesley-Smith and Mandy Pattullo
- Vanessa Marr and Sarah Corbett
Future Talking Threads are being arranged. Watch our Guild News for announcements and dates.
Recordings of previous Talking Threads are available

Workshops and on-line Courses
The Guild hosts a range of on-line workshops and courses, ranging from one-off workshops/webinars, to tutored courses with limited membership, held over two or three pre-booked sessions.

Our suite of distance-learning courses ‘Inspired to Create’ are now available!
Inspired to Create