Richard Box is an artist that works with fabric and thread to create intricate, detailed images.

Photograph by Penny Hill
He is a regular exhibitor and demonstrator at the Knitting and Stitching shows and other craft fairs. He gives talks to textile groups; particularly to branches of the Embroiderers’ Guild throughout the country. He runs courses in drawing, painting and his particular system of textile art which combines fabric collage with both machine and hand embroidery. He teaches these at various adult education centres as well as independent organisations.

A collection of some of Richard’s smaller pieces
He has written seven books and made two D.V.D.’s about drawing, design, colour and embroidery. Some are still in print and available one way or another.
Although well past the ‘official‘ retirement age, Richard aims to continue to develop his artwork as long as he is physically and mentally capable. Furthermore, he aims to continue lecturing and teaching so long as he behaves himself and is still invited.
Visit: http://www.richardbox.co.uk/introduction.html

All pieces by Richard Box – photographs by Penny Hill