Featured: Album covers by Imogen Campbell
Getting to know more about Imogen Campbell – Guild Graduate in 2024
Imogen Campbell, who graduated from the Royal School of Needlework, encapsulates the musical with her multisensory embroidery. Imogen uses the connection between thought, materials and hands to create illustrative, rhythmic and colourful hand embroideries. Using reclaimed and recycled materials underpins her ethical practice and helps her produce beautiful and unique work. Reacting to her materials Imogen’s design process is spontaneous and responsive, evolving as she works.

Whilst the musicality of her work takes precedence; Imogen aims to use embroidery as a means of self-expression which does not rely on verbal communication. This enables her work to take on a multi- sensory approach. The introspective and meditative qualities of the craft of hand embroidery enables Imogen to project her thoughts through the intimate connection between her hands and materials. This results in illustrative, rhythmic and colourful hand embroideries.

Imogen prioritises the materials she’s uses when designing her embroideries; the importance of using reclaimed and recycled materials emphasises the themes of spontaneous thought, adaptability, and responsive creativity. There are also further ethical implications that are extremely important top Imogen’s practice; it is her belief it is her responsibility as a maker to be conscious of the consumerist side of creating; what is required for a piece usually already exists and simply must be found. She also finds greater beauty and satisfaction in found materials as the finished embroidery becomes more unique.

Working within the textile art context, Imogen react to the materials she has found and manipulates them with her technical embroidery skills. Elements of spontaneity continue through the embroidery as she continues to infuse her work with the same stream-of-conscious aspect present in the design process. This means that her designs may change throughout the creative process depending on her reaction to her materials and how they interact with the design and the collection altogether.

All work featured by Imogen Campbell
Follow her on Instagram to see photos and videos of her work : @imyc_embroidery
See the work of other students from the RSN degree course : @rsndegree