Based in:
Bexhill on Sea
Susan Clark email:
Monthly on Third Saturday 13.45-16.16pm
St Mark’s Church Hall, Green Lane, Bexhill-on-Sea TN39 4BZ

We are the Sussex Stitchers and we have something of a reputation for our welcoming meetings when we celebrate the exquisite art of embroidery and decorated textiles. We thoroughly enjoy getting together to share companionship ahe love of stitchery. Some have never embroidered before coming along, others have stitched since their Grannies taught them to sew. We have a huge wealth of knowledge and we are all happiest when sharing it with everyone. It matters not if you don’t already know how to embroider. We are happy to get you up and going and we love to watch your blossoming achievements. We have talks from leading textile artists, demonstrations and workshops to inspire us as well as showing each other what we have been stitching. Our enthusiasm is catching so beware!