17th Oct 2023
Today’s box of beautiful items yielded two that might qualify as the smallest item and the simplest item in our collection. Both are part of the Needlework Development Scheme items that we have in the collection.
The patchwork pin cushion is tiny and the ball of perle thread is there to show the size. It’s such a sweet dainty item.
The other is also a pin cushion and is made of felt with very simple stitching. Trust me there are much more complex items in our collection, however it was amusing that we have such a simple item amongst the other items.
We are making good progress on the pilot, having agreed some principles of backgrounds and our photographer getting to understand our collection and what we need.
By the way, on some pieces we are taking photos of the back of the work, mainly where it adds to the information about the piece, understanding how it was made or stitched.
These snapshots are taken by Anne, the trustee leading the project and are nothing like the quality of the finished photos.
For details of the project, see our earlier news post: Digitising the Embroiderer’s Guild Collection